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10 Things That Annoy Your Cat

Cats are sensitive creatures and have their own ways of dealing with their surroundings. Although they are cute and independent, there are certain things we do, often without realizing it, that can really irritate them. We have listed 10 things that irritate your cat. See if you have ever done any of these things that make felines stand on end!

Excessive (or inappropriate) affection

Cats love affection, but in the right amount and at the right time. If you insist on petting them when they are eating, sleeping or simply not in the mood, they may become irritated. Signs of irritation: Ears back, tail wagging or biting.

Pick up without warning

Many cats don't like being picked up out of the blue. They prefer to interact on the floor, where they have control of the situation. Catching a cat by surprise can make them nervous and stressed. Signs of irritation: Trying to get away or squirming, loud meowing.

Loud or sudden noises

Cats have very sensitive hearing, and loud noises such as vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, shouting or even slamming doors can be extremely frightening and irritating to them. Signs of irritation: Sudden running for cover or fur standing on end.

Ignore the dirty litter box

One of the biggest sources of frustration for cats is a dirty litter box. They are very clean animals and may refuse to use it if it is not in perfect condition. Sign of irritation: Peeing or pooping outside the box.

Change the routine

Cats are creatures of habit, and sudden changes in routine, such as changing the location of their food bowl, moving their bed, or changing their feeding schedule, can leave them confused and upset. Signs of upset: Withdrawal, frequent meowing, or aggressive behavior.

Rubbing the belly (most of the time)

While some cats like it, most cats hate having their bellies touched. This area is extremely sensitive, and to them, showing their bellies is a sign of trust, not an invitation for petting. Sign of irritation: Quick pawing or biting.

Strong smells

Perfumes, cleaning products, and even some candles can have scents that irritate cats. They have a very keen sense of smell, and strong fragrances can be bothersome to them. Sign of irritation: Avoiding being in the room or sneezing.

Ignore the joke request

If your cat is trying to play (scratching, pawing, or fetching toys) and you ignore him, he may become frustrated. Lack of physical and mental stimulation can even lead to stress. Signs of irritation: Destructive behavior or persistent meowing.

Leave the feeder empty or change the feed

Cats like consistency, and changing brands or flavors of food without a gradual transition can upset them. Additionally, many cats hate it when their food bowl is empty or when they don't have fresh water. Signs of irritation: Disinterest in food or rummaging through the bowl.

Touching the paws or tail

These body parts are very sensitive, and most cats do not like having their paws or tail touched without their consent. This can cause them to move away or even defend themselves. Signs of irritation: Quickly backing away, nipping, or pulling back on the tail.

Final tip: Pay attention to your cat's subtle cues and remember that every feline has their own unique personality!

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