Moving house can be quite stressful, both for humans and cats. Therefore, it is important to take some care with your cats so that they adapt to their new environment in the best way possible.

Here are some important tips:
The cat needs to like the carrier. If he is not used to using the carrier, he will be anxious and stressed during the move.
Take objects with the cat's scent to the new home. This will help the cat feel safer and more familiar with its new environment.
Let the cat adapt little by little. Don't force him to explore the new home right away.
Prepare the new environment for the cat. Place the litter box, feeder and water fountain in a quiet and accessible place.
Maintain a routine. Try to keep your cat's meal times and other daily routines as consistent as possible.
Provide a safe space. Set aside a room or quiet area where your cat can hide and feel safe for the first few days.
Use synthetic pheromones. Products like pheromone diffusers can help reduce your cat's stress and anxiety during the transition.
And finally, be patient! Each cat has its own rhythm for adapting to new situations.